Our Mission

We aim

“To know Christ better, and to make Christ better known”

by being:

  • a town-centre focus for Christian faith and outreach;
  • a welcoming place where people of all ages can come to know the love of God;
  • a worshipping community who seek to follow the Gospel commandment “love your neighbour”;
  • a prayerful space where all can experience the enabling Spirit of grace, peace and love;
  • an historic building which is a symbol of Taunton’s Christian heritage, and a beacon of hope for the future.

Our Overseas Link Parish

Taunton Minster is linked with the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Lusaka, Zambia.

Our vision of Mission is of people learning about each other so that needs become apparent and there can be a reciprocal giving and receiving. The hope is that the various groups in both parishes establish contact by letter or email, eg, the home groups with their home “cells”, the two choirs and the sacristans and servers, the youth groups in both places, and more,  and as relationships grow there is the possible potential  of visits both ways.

The Cathedral officially inaugurated their link with a service with their Bishop on 13th September 2010. St Mary Magdalene launched its link on 18th October with a special African-themed service, at which Jenny Humphreys, our Diocesan Link Secretary, spoke, followed by a celebratory lunch.